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We took part in the greening project for a public school playground near our Head office.

This project led by the town hall was conducted in a participatory manner thanks to the support of Bérangère Ameslant ('Atelier BA) and Gaétan Mazaloubeaud (Design Tout terrain).

The teaching team, pupils, parents and technical services have thought together about the project to be carried out to make the playground more suitable for everyone's use.


Make the schoolyard more inclusive

The project has enabled the reunification of elementary and kindergarten classes while creating separate spaces suitable for everyone.


  • Creation of rest areas with suitable furniture: island platforms* around trees, benches
  • Creation of furniture to create grouping areas conducive to "doing school outside": bleachers, stepping stones*
  • Creation of hybrid furniture promoting free play and motor skills: stepping stones, tunnel module*, beams*
  • Creation of a delimited ball zone.

*modules made by Amazone Adventure

  • Island platform
  • Island platform
  • Free play
  • Japanese Footbridge

Environmental challenge

One of the main objectives of the project was the adaptation of the courtyard to global warming. Heat islands have been reduced through massive planting (trees, flower beds and shrubs). A significant amount of bitumen has been removed from the woodchip profile.

In the continuity of these environmental issues, we were keen to design furniture made from untreated and local wood. We have used Douglas fir and chestnut.

The island platforms were designed around trees in order to benefit from the benefits of natural shade.

A rewarding project


In addition to the satisfaction of working locally and for the well-being of children at school, participation in this project taught us a new approach. We learned a lot from the consultation sessions between the different users.

The compromises found between the technical parts (upkeep and maintenance of equipment, educational and safety aspect, financial dimension) show that it is possible to create an ambitious and consensual project.

Project management

Our intervention being linked to many stakeholders (earthworks, plantations), we had to anticipate, exchange, and collaborate with the various actors to provide a quality service.

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